Brian Kennedy Learning Coordinator & eLearning Designer

Thank You For Coming!

Thank you for your interest in my website! I hope you enjoyed my PowerPoint video on what I do and how I do it! If you still find yourself interested, feel free to keep reading. Or, if you just want to see a fun stock footage video done by yours truly, scroll to the bottom and check it out!

What I Do

Simply put, I nurture the workforce. One thing my years at Amazon has taught me is to start at the customer and work backwards. So I start with the end result, how the learners feel and what they know after training, and storyboard to the beginning. This ensures they have the best experience from beginning to end. I teach with empathy, putting the needs of the learner first and foremost.

If you're looking for someone that works as a "one-stop-shop" for your training needs, I encourage you to deep dive my website and resume. I am skilled in eLearning content curation, narrating training materials,  and video directing and editing. I can even build interactive knowledge checks to gauge retention and success of training. I have plenty of experience with Learning Management Systems to track and organize this data.

Why I Do It

I have a history of jobs that were just that... jobs. A source of income. But I was passionate about being good at it, no matter what it was. I also liked working with people that were positive about their work. Quickly I found that people enjoy doing things they are good at, whether or not they find it inspiring.

When people are high performers, they are inherently more satisfied with their jobs, which makes them happier with their lives. I like to think that all the work I do, all the thought I put in, and all the skills I learn to improve their learning has a positive effect on their work experience. Plus, I just like making people happy.

How I Get It Done

Empathy. Knowing your workforce means knowing their strengths and opportunities. I put in effort to learn and connect with the operational workforce. I join the basketball and video game competitions even though I lose every time. I support operations when they fall behind or get swamped with work. I encourage feedback, especially when it's critical.

The customer knows what they want. So my main concern is how they feel after training is complete. If they aren't satisfied, they probably haven't learned. I require evaluations for all of my testing to get a pulse on how successful the customer experience was. I tailor my training to what they suggest, such as the occasional meme if appropriate, or including a screen share video of process demonstrations.

My Proudest Moments

It's not always just about data and analytics. It's the human connection that drives retention and delivers results.

The Bottom Performers

When training someone, it can be difficult to teach them the desire to be better. Spending days training bottom performers taught me more than I taught them. 

Everyone has different motivation. If you can identify it, you can nurture it and watch it grow and build expert leaders and teachers.   

My Family

I am a proud father and husband. I love my family and they are behind all the good things I do. The core of my work ethic has always been driven by a desire to support them. 

Without my children to motivate me and my wife to guide me, I would not be the man I am today. I owe it all to them.

The Promotion

I love training others, and could do it for the rest of my life. But when I went from Ambassador to Coordinator, being good at what I do was suddenly extremely important.

I was no longer delivering 1:1 training, I was now developing the material that would be delivered. I am constantly studying and getting better at it. Doing it well is, and always has been, a major motivation for me.

My Roots

I grew up on the Upper West Side of New York City, but I was born in Austin, and quickly made it back here. I love this city. With fantastic music, sports, festivals and people, Austin has been a good home to me over the years.




Adobe Creative Educator Level 1
Basic Principles of Design
Infographics w/Adobe Express
Graphic Visualization w/Adobe Express



iSpring Certified Professional
Design Your Interactive Online Course

Other Cool Stuff I Know


Learning Management Systems:


3 years experience with Asana for project and calendar collaboration.

3 years experience with Amazon's internal LMS, which I use to catalog training and track compliance and performance.

2 years experience with iSpring, a PowerPoint extension used to build customized, interactive training modules, quizzes, role-plays and interactions. It authors the SCORM file needed to upload to your local LMS.

Sailing Through 
(A Hero's Journey)

With enough stock footage, anything is possible.

Brian Kennedy
Learning Coordinator & eLearning Designer